SAP CDS Introduction Part 2 - ABAP on HANA Course
Code :-
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZVSQL_SAMPLE_01'
@EndUserText.label: 'This is my fist DDIC based CDS'
@AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
@AbapCatalog: {
buffering: {
type: #NONE,
numberOfKeyFields: 000
viewEnhancementCategory: [#PROJECTION_LIST,#UNION],
compiler: {
compareFilter: true
dataMaintenance: #RESTRICTED
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@ClientHandling: {
define view zcds_sample_01 --( SO, Kunnr, curr,netwr,clnt,sydate,syslang)
as select from vbak
association [1..*] to vbap as _item on vbak.vbeln = _item.vbeln
key vbeln as so,
kunnr as cust,
ernam ,
$session.client as syst_client,
$session.system_date as syst_date,
$session.system_language as syst_lang,
/*define view zcds_sample_01
as select
key vbeln as so,
kunnr as cust
from vbak; */
// Commentsingle
-- vndvld
DataAging Annotations
//@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
// serviceQuality: #X,
// sizeCategory: #S,
// dataClass: #MIXED
This information is especially important in regards of performance
that can be expected by the consumer of the view.
Create a view use in select report to display results.
/*When an object defined in the CDS source code is activated,
the annotations defined in the CDS annotation syntax these are saved in
internal system tables. These tables can then be accessed to evaluate the data.
We use below class for evaluation of annatation
-> First it gets data from metadata extension though it's method
-> Then CDS Entity itself to evaluate
-> Annotation devided in three parts
1. Metadata extension
2. Direct Annotation (GET_DIRECT_ANNOS_ )
3. indirect Annotation ( Derived and inheritate )
inheritate -> CDS entities which accessed in thid cds
Derived -> It derived from data element if it is not define in cds
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