Group by in detail - Open SQL Enhancement ABAP on HANA - Part 11
*& Report zr_opensql_20_unioon_grp_by
REPORT zr_opensql_20_unioon_grp_by.
*Use case only n select list
*Use case in select list and grp by
*Chaining operator
FROM vbak AS so
INNER JOIN kna1 AS cust
ON so~kunnr = cust~kunnr
FIELDS so~kunnr AS cust_id,
cust~name1 AS customer,
so~waerk AS curre,
SUM( so~netwr ) AS tot_netprice,
* AVG( so~netwr ) AS net,
* MAX( so~netwr ) AS max,
* MIN( so~netwr ) AS min,
COUNT( so~netwr ) AS count,
WHEN so~netwr > 1000 THEN 'Higher amount document'
WHEN ( so~netwr ge 500 AND so~netwr le 1000 ) THEN 'Medium amount'
ELSE 'Lower amount'
END AS amount_category
GROUP BY so~kunnr,so~waerk,
WHEN so~netwr > 1000 THEN 'Higher amount document'
WHEN ( so~netwr ge 500 AND so~netwr le 1000 ) THEN 'Medium amount'
ELSE 'Lower amount'
HAVING SUM( so~netwr ) > 1000
INTO TABLE @DATA(it_result).
IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
cl_demo_output=>display( it_result ).
*->The order of the SQL expressions / fields within
*the comma-separated list is not important
*->Columns not specified after GROUP BY
*can only be specified after SELECT as the argument of
*an aggregate function of an aggregate expression
*->◾If GROUP BY is used, the statement SELECT bypasses table buffering.
*->◾Using GROUP BY and aggregate functions ensures that
*aggregates and groups are assembled by the database system,
* not AS ABAP.
*This can considerably reduce the volume of data that has to be transported
*from the database to AS ABAP.
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