Cardinality left outer join CDS Part 8 ABAP on HANA Course
@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Left outer join cardinality'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZDDLS_SAMPLE_04
as select from vbak
association [0..1] to vbap as _item
on vbak.vbeln = _item.vbeln
with default filter _item.netwr > 500
key vbak.vbeln as so,
@EndUserText.label: 'Customer'
@EndUserText.quickInfo: 'Customer Info'
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'waerk'
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'waerk'
currency_conversion( amount => vbak.netwr,
source_currency => vbak.waerk,
target_currency => cast( 'USD' as abap.cuky( 3 ) ),
exchange_rate_date => $session.system_date ) as converted_amt,
cast( 'USD' as abap.cuky ) as converted_cuky,
@Semantics.quantity.unitOfMeasure: 'vrkme'
@Semantics.quantity.unitOfMeasure: 'converted_unit'
unit_conversion( quantity => _item.kwmeng,
source_unit => _item.vrkme,
target_unit => cast( 'G' as abap.unit( 3 ) ),
error_handling => 'SET_TO_NULL'
// client => $session.client
) as converted_qty,
cast( 'G' as abap.unit( 3 ) ) as converted_unit,
where _item.vrkme = 'KG'
Left outer join to many or Left outer joins works:-
Relationship 1:N :- it will create a join even if we don't fetch data from the RHS table
Relationship N:1 l:- it will not create a join if we don't fetch data from the RHS table
1:N and N:1 is the relationship between the LHS table and the RHS table
Relationship 1:N behaves differently for "Left outer to one join" :-
Select no contain any fields from RHS then optimization takes place join will not form
Aggregate functions like count(*) is used then optimization takes place join will not form
//When to one join is used (Specifies the cardinality of a left outer join):-
-> select no contain any fields from RHS then optimization take plae
-> Aggregate function count(*) is used then optimization take plae
• SQL functions
Ø Numeric functions
○ ABS(arg)
○ CEIL(arg)
○ DIV(arg1, arg2)
○ DIVISION(arg1, arg2, dec)
○ FLOOR(arg)
○ MOD(arg1, arg2)
○ ROUND(arg, pos)
Ø String functions
○ CONCAT(arg1, arg2)
○ CONCAT_WITH_SPACE(arg1, arg2, spaces)
○ INSTR(arg, sub)
○ LEFT/RIGHT(arg, len)
○ LENGTH(arg)
○ LPAD/RPAD(arg, len, src)
○ LTRIM/RTRIM(arg, char)
○ REPLACE(arg1, arg2, arg3)
○ SUBSTRING(arg, pos, len)
Ø Coalesce function
• Special functions
Ø Conversion functions
Ø Date functions and time functions
○ Type conversion functions
○ Unit and Currency Conversion Functions
Unit Conversion performed based on T006 table TCODE CUNI
Error handling.
'FAIL_ON_ERROR': an error raises an exception (default)
'SET_TO_NULL': the result is set to the null value
'KEEP_UNCONVERTED': the source value is not changed.
exchange_rate_type :- M TCURR-KURST
round :- X/'TRUE' (It wil be rounded instead of truncation)
error_handling :- 'FAIL_ON_ERROR'
decimal_shift :- X/'TRUE' (decimal places of the source value are moved as specified by the decimal places of the source currency )
--0.2679 => 0.27 * 10^2 X :- --0.2679 => 0.27 * 10^(2-2)
decimal_shift_back :- X/'TRUE' (decimal places of the result are moved as specified by the decimal places of the target currency )
Annotation specified before the element
It will add further semantics and technical info
Display annotation in ALV cl_salv_gui_table_ida
//Se63 TCODe
// _item.posnr,
// _item.matnr KWEMNG VRKME
The methods of the class CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE collect all annotations belonging to the CDS entity in the following order:
◾Annotations from metadata extensions
◾Direct annotations from the data definition
◾Indirect annotations (derived and inherited annotations
[min..max] =>[max]
max> min 0...n
[*] => [0..*]
[1] => [0..1]
This work same as left outer join =>
[0..1] [1..1] => TO ONE
[0..*] [1..*] or any other => TO MANY
-- Cardinality [min..max]
◾max cannot be 0.
◾An asterisk * for max means any number of rows.
◾min can be omitted (set to 0 if omitted). => [1] = [0..1] , [*] = [0..*]
◾min cannot be *.
◾Default value [min..1]
◾When a CDS association is used in a WHERE condition,
1 must be specified for max.
-->A cardinality is specified to document the semantics of the data model and,
--in some database systems, for optimizations
How to use upto 1 row in case Cardinality not working for multiple record