CDS View entity with join and literals Part 6 ABAP on HANA Course
*& Report z_cds_cunsumption
REPORT z_cds_cunsumption.
FROM zcds_sample_01
INTO TABLE @DATA(it_result).
IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
cl_demo_output=>display( it_result ).
* iv_cds_view_name = 'ZDDLS_SAMPLE_04'
** io_gui_container =
** io_calc_field_handler =
** ro_alv_gui_table_ida =
*)->fullscreen( )->display( ).
*CATCH cx_salv_ida_contract_violation..
*CATCH cx_salv_db_connection.
*CATCH cx_salv_db_table_not_supported.
*CATCH cx_salv_ida_contract_violation.
*CATCH cx_salv_function_not_supported.
* entityname = 'ZDDLS_SAMPLE_04'
** variant = ''
** language = SY-LANGU
** extend = abap_false
** metadata_extension = abap_true
** translation = abap_true
** null_values = abap_false
* entity_annos = DATA(ls_anno)
* element_annos = DATA(ls_ele_annos)
** parameter_annos =
** annos_tstmp =
*cl_demo_output=>write( ls_anno ).
*cl_demo_output=>display( ls_ele_annos ).
* FROM zddls_sample_04
* INTO TABLE @DATA(it_tab).
*IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
* cl_demo_output=>display( it_tab ).
*First Access association in form as a source so inner join
*Access association in field list so left outer join
*So we can't use path expression at on condition try to get matdesc
*With default filter association
*ABAP SQL - Path Expressions,
*... [source~]\_assoc1[sql_para][attributes]
* [\_assoc2[sql_para][attributes]]
* [\...] ...
* Attributes Additions:
* 1. ... (n|*)
*The join type can only be specified together with the cardinality.
* 3. ... [WHERE] sql_cond -->using WITH DEFAULT FILTER
@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Define view entity'
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZDDLS_SAMPLE_02
//with parameters
// @Environment.systemField: #SYSTEM_DATE
// p_date : abap.dats
as select from vbak as head
association [1..*] to vbap as _item on head.vbeln = _item.vbeln
key head.vbeln as so,
head.vkorg as sales__org,
head.vbtyp as doc_type,
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'waerk'
// head.ernam,
// item.posnr,
// item.matnr,
@EndUserText.label: 'Numerical'
0.23 as num_lit,
'cds' as char_lit
// $parameters.p_date as syst_date
// head.ernam = 'GABAP3'
//operator = <> > < <= >= ?=
//[not] between a and b
// like % _
//not null not initial
//user condition => show session variable we can't use right side
//Create define poicy define aspectfor 09 and use to filter 02
//True /flase
//hodt expression parameter session usee literal
//• Default value can be assigned with annotation – @Environment.systemField: #SYSTEM_DATE
//Parameters are optional only when default value is assigned. We can only use system fields such as #SYSTEM_DATE. Possible values are as below.
//define view entity ZDDLS_SAMPLE_02
// with parameters
// p_vben : vbeln,
// @Environment.systemField: #SYSTEM_DATE
// p_date : abap.dats
// as select from vbak as head
// inner join vbap as item on head.vbeln = item.vbeln
// key head.vbeln as so,
// head.vkorg as sales__org,
// head.vkgrp,
// item.posnr,
// item.matnr,
// 0.23 as num_lit,
// 'cds' as char_lit,
// head.erdat
// head.vbeln = $parameters.p_vben
// and head.erdat = $parameters.p_date
The CDS view entity can be used for high volume transactions or for background transactions.
-> Maximum No of DDIC database tables 3,
-> must not call any functions,
-> must not aggregate a large number of table rows for direct access,
-> must not access DDIC database tables with mixed data categories.
-> If the underlying tables are buffered, the CDS view entity should be buffered too.
-> The runtime for reading a single line with a fully specified key must be less than 1 ms
for selecting fields from a field list or 2 ms for selecting all fields with
The CDS view entity can be used for transactions or for background transactions.
-> Maximum No of DDIC database tables 5,
-> must not call any functions,
-> must not aggregate a large number of table rows for direct access,
-> must not access DDIC database tables with mixed data categories.
-> If the underlying tables are buffered, the CDS view entity should be buffered too.
-> The runtime for reading a single line with a fully specified key must be less than 2 ms
for selecting fields from a field list or 5 ms for selecting all fields with
The CDS view entity can be used to query individual objects in transactions.
-> Maximum No of DDIC database tables 15,
-> must not aggregate a large number of table rows for direct access,
-> must not access DDIC database tables with mixed data categories.
-> If the underlying tables are buffered, the CDS view entity should be buffered too.
-> The runtime for reading a single line with a fully specified key must be less than 10 ms
for selecting fields from a field list or 20 ms for selecting all fields with
The CDS view entity can be used for analytical queries.
-> Maximum No of DDIC database tables 100,
-> The performance should be checked and monitored with realistic data by a test framework.
The CDS view entity is designed for special application cases, such as data migration.
-> Maximum No of DDIC database tables more than 100,
The CDS view entity is used to structure hierarchies of CDS entities and must not be used outside of such a hierarchy.
-> A CDS view entity with the quality category P is not intended for usage in business applications.
-> Performance checks by a test framework are not required.
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